Thursday, September 9, 2004

Stephany's Guide to Movies Part 2

Here is the second part of my Movie Guide. Here are other great movies - well movies I really like. I figured I would finish up the list I started the other day. So enough of my rambling, here is the list:
  • Legally Blond - Both of these movies are quite funny. Ok, so I like a movie were the female character makes it into a profession and is not expected to. The movie says you can be a professional and still know about the latest fashions.
  • Jane Eyre - This movie is based on a great book and follows it mostly. This is one were the underling gets the guy. It is set in England and I think the sets are amazing looking.
  • Little Women - I have watched this movie so many, many times. Anyway, this movie follows the book quite well. It is a great movie to watch at Christmas time.
  • Stargate - I love the show and I like the movie. It is any interesting movie and I highly recommend it to anyone. It is a great Friday night movie in my mind.
  • Star Wars (the original three movies) - These are classics. Everyone has seen them so I will just live it at that.
  • 4th Startrek movie - The one with the whales in it. It was the first Startrek movie I saw. Anyway, I like whales and Spock has some great lines in it.
  • American President - I mention this movie the other day. So look at the achieves if you want my opinion.
  • Groundhog Day - This movie is so funny! This is a great movie to watch on a rainy Saturday afternoon.
  • Harry Potter movies - All of them were good. I don't have a favorite, but the third was quiet different. I liked the books and I liked the movies what can I say.
  • Catch Me If You Can - This movie is absolutly wonderful. Tom Hanks does a really great job in this movie.
  • Working Girl - Harrison Ford is in this movie. Anyway, I like Harrison Ford movies.
  • Air Force One - Great action movie. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Plus, Harrison Ford and Gleen Close are in this movie.
  • Ms. Congeniality - This is another movie that I find extremely funny. I hear they are making a second one.
  • First Wives Club - Based on a good book this movie is very funny. There are some great actors in this movie. Anyway, great movie to watch.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed the list. I am not sure what my next topic will be. It is really hard some days to come up with a topic. Well, anyway it is Thursday night and close to the weekend. I, for one, am really ready!

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