Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Happy Holidays!

"Light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp." - Rizzo the Rat (The Muppet Christmas Carol)

I finally finished sorting out grades and submitted them! Yippee. Now I can claim to be completely done (although I haven't had to do much for the past few days). Anyway, I have been busy with holiday activities - shopping, decorating, packing...

Yes, I have been packing for the family vacation. Where are we going? Florida - Orlando Florida to be exact. We are going after my graduation from BGSU :-) I am getting very excited - over both things. But enough about me...

Here are some articles you might enjoy:
"First vortex 'chains' observed in engineered superconductor"

"Printers to produce life-saving organs"

"Scientists' 'recipe' to help build a quantum computer"

Want to wish you all happy holidays! Because this may be one of the last chances I have to post a blog before the holidays start. Anyway, have a wonderful time. I will write an entertaining blog about my vacation when I get back.

Friday, December 2, 2005

The precious has returned to it's master...

"So bright... so beautiful... our precious. " - Gollum (Two Towers)

I dropped of the precious (CD) that was forged at Mt. Doom (the CEA lab) today (i.e., I turned in a CD containing the final project for one of my classes - however, doesn't the first way sound so much cooler?). Through out the project code there are references to thePresious, theOne, theString, theCookie...you get the idea. Basically, that is what happens when you decide to write code in the early hours of the morning after having large quantities of caffine.

I left school after 4 AM and drove to my apartment in the 3 inches of snow covering the ground. Of course, they hadn't gotten around to salting or plowing so it was a never interesting drive (i.e., not one I am looking forward to making again anytime soon). It is snowing still. According to the local news channnel it is lake snow effect flurries (i.e., really big chunks of snow). I am sure it will add nicely to the 3+ inches already on the ground. So, Miata + 3 inches of snow + ice + hills + 4 AM = un-fun

I really think I have been working to hard, I am turing my life into a math equation - ohy! Anyway, here are some links. Have fun. I am going to go give a presentation (5 minutes, not much time to really talk about anything - just bottom line it) and then I can actually try and catch up on sleep...oh and study for finals...maybe that will be tomorrow...

Some people are fans of this guy: "Exclusive: Professor X Talks X3"

Have you smelled your car today? "Safer cars through touch, sound and smell"

When will they learn to not mess with google?

"First quantum byte created"

Thursday, December 1, 2005