Monday, February 5, 2007

News At Sloth Pace

"I don't know about you guys but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen." - Sid (Ice Age)

Wow. February. Where did it come from? (I think it must of have been hiding). January went by surprising quickly. I think I must be getting old - because time has started to move faster. Anyway, still on the 80's music kick. Not that had anything to do with anything.

Most of the west side of Michigan is shut down due to the cold temperatures (and the blizzard on Saturday - that I thankfully missed by being on the opposite of the state). It was -7F (wind chill -14) this morning when I got up to check if school was closed and lightly snowing. The major problem is the wind and drifting snow. Anyway, I happily went back to bed and sleep for hours when I saw my school on the list :)

Old news I meant to post days ago:
"15,000-year-old ground sloth footprints found in Argentina"

If real life was a TV show, then I would say that it was aliens, but I am guessing there is a better, more scientific explaination: "Hubble humbled by power failure"

Unless you have been living under a rock Microsoft has released Vista ("Review: Microsoft Vista, Ultimate Edition"). It's release seems to be compatable to the Vulcon/Human relationship on Star Trek Enterprise. It looks interesting. But I am sticking with my rule of no changing of OSs in the middle of the term. Also, by the time I ever get around to updating the little "issues" will be worked out. Yes, there is methods to my madness! ;-) However, I do have to ask one question - why? "Apple warns iTunes users to delay Vista upgrade". I understand that they are technically competing, but still...

Newer news:
"Songs from iPod Commercials" (and you can wach the new adds here).

Two words: Free & Pirates: "Disney in uncharted waters with "Pirates" game"

Completely unrelated to anything:

I finally watched a couple (and by a couple I mean about 2) episodes of Boston Legal. I know I am behind the times. I just never got around to watching it. I have to say I find the show fairly funny in a completely off-the-wall kind of way.

Well, I have homework to get started on. Thanks for reading. Stay warm!

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