"Well you shouldn't have started with a question, because people want to answer a question." - Ed Bloom (Big Fish)
The world is slowly becoming Google-fied: "Move over Excel, here comes Google Spreadsheets"
"Apple Introduces the New U2 iPod" again...
Rumor has it: "Apple and RIM may join forces"
Science meets history: "Researchers find hidden Greek text on 'world's oldest astronomy computer'". (Actually, I saw a history channel special about this astronomy computer thing, it was pretty interesting show actually. Yes, I watch the history channel...)
Because I know these questions was really eating at you: "Scientists resolve 60-year-old plutonium questions"
Otherwise, I really don't have anything of interest to report. Another week as started. I am making progress on my research! I have a bunch of coding still to do, but I do have some working code.
Of course, I did spend several hours looking at output and trying to figure out what was wrong with my code only to finally realize several hours later that I was comparing the wrong 2 things. So yeah, it turned out there was nothing wrong with that part of the code...fixed a lot of other problems so it wasn't a complete waste. However, it wasn't one of my more shining moments :-P
Well, I better get back to err...work and err...having office hours...yeah...
Thanks for stopping by!
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