Friday, March 24, 2006

Ann Arbor Bunnies

"There are some fish that cannot be caught. It's not that they're faster or stronger than other fish, they're touched by something extra. " - Young Ed Bloom (Big Fish)

"Falcons or music at Burton Tower? Maybe both"

"Scientists identify two new forms of ice"

Someone asked me about things to do in Ann Arbor the other day. Since I was already looking for the websites, I figured that I would post them here as well. If any of you can think of any others, let me know. Thanks.
(For a complete list of U of M museums follow this link. I also recommend this link for maps for U of M).

While in Ann Arbor if you want some of the best Chicago style pizza in Michigan check out Pizza Hourse on Church Street. They have the best cheesy bread sticks...

If vegetarian (or vegan) is more your style, I highly recommend Seva. They have wonderful daily/weekly/seasonal specials. Oh and some of the best ice tea in the midwest.

Random Trivia (many people probably know): In the movie Big Fish you can hear the University of Michigan fight song (reference)

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