How about grieving it all one at a time
Thank you india
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence" - lyrics from "Thank U" by Alanis Morissette
Edit: I just had to add a link to this very, very funny article. Best part: "'Guess it worked, but police don't really recommend this method'". OK, well I think it was funny anyway.
Someone asked me about Egyptian Hieroglyphs the other day. Here is a nice list of equivalents. Want to know the Egyptian eqivalent? Try this one or you might try this one.
There are still rumors about iTunes software for mobile phones. If rumors are true it will be coming out in June. Of course, that's a big if. Speaking of iTunes, Star Wars is releasing one song as a single. Have you heard it yet? If you haven't you can get it at iTunes.
New from Google: Ever find something on Google and then can't locate it again? Google's solution is offering password-protected search history storage. Wow. If you have a gmail account you can check out the service here.
Mazda, Ford, and Changan join together to build engine plant in Jiangsu Province, China. The joint venture has a name I am sure you could all guess: Changan Ford Mazda Engine Company Ltd. Nothing like namig it what it is - I guess they could just use the initials (CFMEC).
It appears that International Respect for Chickens Day is just around the corner (May 4th). The event was started by the United Poutry Concerns. (And I bet you think I am kidding). Chickens are even in the news (unrelated to the holiday).
I always new it was OK to make fun of Hoosiers, but gives me even more reasons.
Scientist make new state of matter. At high speeds the researchers clided gold ions with each other. For more information, I recommend this article.
Thanks for stopping by. I have a lot of homework to work on :) It was significantly cool in BG today - low 60's. What a change from the other day were it was 80 and sunny.
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