Hello! Here is my little "review" of Sci-Fi Friday and Enterprise.
Enterprise: this episode was a continuation of last week. The two crew members who were on the Romulan ship were rescued at the very end of the show. Of course, the ending was great. It will lead to some interesting developments for the remaining episodes of the season. This is a show not to miss.
Battlestar Galactica: this weeks episode began with Starbuck being trapped on the moon and her oxygen supply running low. This show followed the time held sci-fi format. (Don't worry, Starbuck is still going to be on the show. The ending of the episode was excellent (and funny). I highly recommend watching the show. Plus, the graphics are really cool.
Stargate SG-1: this week was an off world episode. This week General O'Neill even joins SG-1 off world. Ancient technology was presented in this episode. Plus, a big mother ship is blown up - which is always nifty. Two thumbs ups.
Stargate Atlantis: this episode begins with part of the cast checking out parts of Atlantis to check for flood damage. Just as they are about to leave two crew members start seeing things and "drop dead". The dialog is interesting and the group of engineers - are well your sterotypical engineers. Great episode - one of the best in the season so far.
Sci-Fi Channel ran a commerical for a TV movie called Slipstream staring Sean Austin (played Sam in Lord of the Rings). The idea of the movie is quiet interesting. Wonder if it will be any good.
Todays Favorites:
Song: "I Don't Like Mondays" by Tori Amos
Site: Google News
Quote: "It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety." - Isaac Asimov
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