Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Second Week of School Blues

As I sit inside working on homework I can hear an ice cream truck driving by. It is sunny and in the 80s outside. It seems hard to believe that I am back in school. Anyway, it is not all bad. Later in winter I know I will be complaining about the snow and ice - so I am glad for the current warm temperatures.

So here are some solutions for those 2nd Week of School Blues:

Note: you may want to do more than one of these things to completely eliminate the 2nd Week of School Blues.

Enjoy the rest of your week. Hope my list helps you get through the week. Well, I have to get back to my homework!

Monday, August 30, 2004

More Un-Randomness

At 7pm this evening Bravo began showing the Season 5 shows of West Wing. Yippee! I really like the West Wing show. It touches on great topics, plus there are some really funny parts of the show. There are some great quotes from the show on several sites. Here are a few:<>
Many of these sites also have episode guides and information about the show. For general information about various shows I prefer the West Wing TV Tome site. It is getting close to 11pm! The episode is on again if you missed it at 7pm. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Well, I would have never guessed

Google has a blog?!? I just found this out. Wow. I thought it was most interesting. It is not hard to imagine that there is a Google Blog. So, learn the latest about Google - check out their blog.

Most interesting. Most interesting indeed. So what are you waiting for - check it out.

School Week is Over and Weekend Begins

This semester I have a wonderful schedule. I get done with class work for the week on Thursday afternoon. Although, I have still have to work - but not having classes for some reason makes it better.

Well, work isn't the term I use exactly. I have a graduate assistantship so I have to work 20 hours a week. I do documentation. Anyway, I am a Mac user. I was asked to write out directions on how to use JellyfiSSH. It is a really nifty program if you use telnet, ftp, or ssh often. Basically, it allows you to "bookmark" Unix systems you visit a lot. When you press the connect button it opens terminal. Anyway, if you are like me - lazy and like to avoid remembering things JellyfiSSH just might be a good program for you too.

On a complete side note: I am learning how difficult it is to write down the directions of how to use software. I knew it was difficult from documentation I have needed to do in my undergrad project. However, in those cases I knew the software inside and out. Now, I am going into the lab and playing with the software to figure out how it works so I can write about it. It is different - and challenging.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Back to School

School has started again. It is always weird when school starts again. Actually, it is exciting and weird at the same time. Anyway, I am sure I will feel different in a few weeks when all the work for the classes starts to pile up.

Anyway, I have another movie that I recently watched that I think is very interesting - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. There are some very funny parts in the movie. I highly recommend the movie to everyone.

Monday, August 23, 2004

This Movie I Watched Recently

I like to watch movies. I especially like watching a movie that I haven't seen in a while. I enjoyed recently watching The American President. I have not seen the movie in sometime.

The American President has so many people from West Wing on it. It is really interesting. I like West Wing and watch the show a lot. But this is the first time I have seen The American President since I started watching West Wing. There are a lot of people on both (or show up at some point) on both. Wow. That is pretty cool. I know both are written by the same person - but I think it is really cool. Anyway, that was the most exciting thing I could think to write about right now :)

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Run to Your Local Bookstore

Reading is an activity that I really enjoy. During the school year it is difficult to get much pure fun reading done (because of all that homework). Anyway, over the summer I have been reading quite a bit to my surprise. Anyway, I figured that might make an interest blog of sorts.

So here is (a partial list) of my favorite books/authors:

  • Amelia Peabody series - these books are about Egypt and archeology. I actually find ancient history very interesting which is the other draw of the series. I have not read all of the books yet - but so far I have liked all the ones I have read .
  • Anything by Mary Higgins Clark - I have read all of these and they are good. The first one I read was in high school actually.
  • Harry Potter - what list would be complete without included this series?
  • Sherlock Holmes - "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot."
  • Limony Snicket - he writes a wonderful series called A Series of Unfortunate Events. This books are very entertaining and an easy read. I know they are designed for children - but it is interesting none the less.
  • Princess Diaries Series - I saved this one for last. I have read all of the books at least twice. Anyway, I think it is a great series anyway.
  • Lucy Montgomery - she wrote a series of books based on a character named Anne.
  • L. Frank Baum - the creater of the land of OZ. These books are charming and can completely take you surprise. Not to mention a totally different world.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Vacation = Great

I recently got back from vacation. It was so nice to relax on the warm beaches of Florida. We got back before the storms sweep through Florida - which was a plus. Where did I go in Florida you ask? My family and I went to Amelia Island. It is located in the northern part of Florida. The island is fairly large (they have a Walmart and several grocery stores). Anyway, I thought it was a great vacation. I came back rested and relaxed. However, I am not ready to start school again on Monday - but I don't think I ever am ready to start back ;-)